Monday, February 8, 2016

Book of Mormon Stories

Okay, where did the week go? Everything is flying by way too fast!

We started off the week by going to a members house for dinner and a presentation on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome! He's been studying for years and has traveled all over North, South and Central America researching. He discussed different Mayan legends, unique writing and language techniques, and archaeological finds that coincide with events in the Book of Mormon. It was better than Christmas and just strengthened my testimony of the scriptures even more! They are truly the word of God and have been brought forward in our day for a reason!

8 of our 12 lessons cancelled this week. So, we did lots of tracting, as always! :) Even on Wednesday when it poured rain! That was an adventure and we were soaked to the bone. We met lots of awesome people though, and I got to place some copies of the Book of Mormon. I'm starting to hand them out to anyone who talks to us longer than to tell us what church they go to and that they're not interested. (That is, if they even remember what church they're "supposed" to go to.)

Zone Training on Thursday was PHENOMENAL! We discussed what qualifies us to have the Holy Ghost with us as we teach, and then we did role plays focused on following the Spirit to know our investigators needs. Oh my goodness! They were amazing and that's saying a lot because I dread role plays. The Spirit was overwhelming and I teared up playing both the missionary and the investigator. It was such a cool experience and I'm so thankful for inspired lessons!

Speaking of which! We taught R twice this week and we were worried because he was a little skeptical about getting baptized. But we had Sister Statum with us and we asked her to share what it felt like to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Wow! So inspired! Everything she said was exactly what R needed to hear and he is now looking forward to having the comfort of the Holy Ghost with him always. And guess what?! R CAME TO CHURCH! WHOO!

The members here are so incredible! Hearing all their testimonies on Sunday was just- AH! I started crying! I am so thankful that I get this little bit of time to get to know them and serve them! I love Bethlehem, PA!

I hope you are all doing great! Keep praying and keep smiling! Lots of love!

Attempting to get dry and get warm! Do you like our kinda heart-shaped donuts?

My first sub from Wawa's! Hooray for the East Coast!
Eden! One of the member's little girls and seriously the sweetest angel ever! 

I'm not even going to pretend I know what this is.
But it was outside the Hotel Bethlehem and I needed a picture with it.

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